Low bandwidth open resolver server to observe DNS amplification attacks automatically, providing IP addresses target.
Warning: the table contain false positives and legitimate domains (ie. google.com, openresolverproject.org etc.). If you have any doubts please send me an email. Documentation | Target map | Latest attacks | Top 10 target IPs address | Top 10 target countries | FQDN collected | Digital attack map
- Anatomy of a DNS DDoS Amplification Attack (WatchGuard)
- Deep Inside a DNS Amplification DDoS Attack (CloudFlare)
- Digital attack map (Google/Arbor)
- DNS Amplification Attacks (Cert)
- DNS Amplification Attacks (Radware video)
- DNS Amplification Attacks Observer (Blog)
- DNS reflection defense (Akamai)
- DNSSEC and DNS Amplification Attacks (TechNet)
- Open DNS Resolver Check Site
- Reflection attack (Wikipedia)